If you need to contact us, please send the club an email at:
info@duluthfsc.org – General Inquiries
northlandcompetition@gmail.com – Northland Competition Qustions
support@duluthfsc.org – Issues with the website
A board of directors with a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and eight directors governs the DFSC. An election is held in the spring of each year, with one-third of the board elected each year. The board establishes the basic policy and protocols of the club. These are updated as needed. Board meetings are held monthly (the third Wednesday of the month) and are open to the general membership. The scheduled meeting dates are on the DFSC calendar. Meeting notices will be posted at the rink. Currently, the board consists of the following members:
Leanne Warren
Vice President
Hali Johns
Jaime Nelson
Membership Chair
Contact information
Term Expires 2025
Jessie Kubat
Strategic Planning, Ice Show
Contact Information
Term Expires 2026
Sue Isackson
Co-Volunteer Chair
Learn to Skate Reception
Contact Information
Term Expires 2025
Jenny Beck
Lea Scudamore
Any parent of a DFSC skater or any DFSC adult skater who is interested in serving on the board of directors should make such interest known to an existing board member or officer. DFSC Board members are volunteers who donate many hours of time. Therefore, those who are unable to serve should give their support to those who do.